The latest & a Mother's Day treat of 15% discount

Firstly - the treat! I’m offering a 15% discount for all new dog portrait bookings made between today and the end of Saturday 6th April, all in the name of Mother’s Day. Perhaps you have a lady in your life who is Mother to a small human, or indeed a canine! Click here to email me and purchase your gift voucher towards a studio session (based in London). This can then be redeemed anytime up to Tuesday 1st October 2019.

Secondly - the update. I’ve had some top dogs in the studio recently, from Boston terriers Winston and Bruno (separate owners might I add!) to beautiful Schnauzer Poncho. Here’s some of my favourites. As ever, have a browse of my portfolio here, book a session here, or simply get in touch for a chat here.

Until next time…


The Day of the Podenco


Bullet, a mini schichi with a huge heart